Allie was holding me while the doggie doctor came in to tell mommy how our torture day went! I am so glad my Allie is here. I was looking at the door hoping she would hurry up and bring my sister Baylee. I just needed to make sure she was okay and talk to her about the torture and how mommy tricked us.
Us so ready to go and get home. See Baylee in her gentle leader collar? When she wears it she walks so nicely. See the bandages on our leggies? This is were the meanies stuck us to give us our nap-e-poos while they cleaned our teeth, not nice huh? Not at all!
Come on Allie lets just go!
Come on mommy, what are you waiting for? Why are you paying them money when all they did was give us shots and give us a nap-e-poo? Not worth it I tell you so lets just take that money and get some tennis balls and bully sticks! Come Mommy, good mommy!
See my leg? They shaved my pretty fur and now I have a bald spot, the nerve!
They even did the same thing to Baylee, look she has freckles on her skin. She has pretty skin, do you think mommy should shave her? Oh Bayee don't worry I was just joking trying to get you to smile.
What will all the other doggies think when they see us?
Mommy felt so bad so she gave us a new toy when we got home, see mine? I will take it now mommy, thank you!
Look at poor tired Baylee, she was to tired to play with her new toy! Poor thing! I hope we don't have to go back to that place anytime soon or at all for that matter! We are just so glad to be back home, sweet home, right Baylee? That's right Sami!
UPDATE on Uncle Chris, he is still in critcial condition but doing lots better. He lost like 40 units of blood during surgury and the nurse says he is a miracle. He will be in the hospital for atleast 2 more months and has a long recovery ahead of him. We would like to say thank you to all our friends for the prayers, they help cause he is getting better! THANK YOU!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe you guys were forced to go to sleep & then get your teefies cleaned! I personally think you did not need them coz your teefies look fine to me! I hope the toys cheered you up. Good to hear about Uncle. More Golden vibes coming his way!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
We sure wish our vet's office was inside Petco! Bummer about the shots, guys! We don't like them either!
We're sending lots more AireZen for Uncle Chris! We hope he feels much better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Baylee! They gave you the laughie juice! Anything could have happened while you were sleeping. What was momma thinkin? Sure you are still too tired for that nice new stuffie. Hope your toothies aren't sore from all the scrubbin.
P.S. Hope your uncle continues to improve. So scary.
That mean old mommy.. how dare she trick you like that. Well, at least you got a toy our of it and your chompers are pearly white!
Brutus and Rufus walk so well with their gentle leader too....
They send big licks and slobbers and hope you aren't too mad at your mommy...
Hi, Sami and Baylee!
Glad to hear about your Uncle Chris. We are praying for him everyday!
Those car rides are not fun! Sure is nice to know that you two are healthy!
Kisses and hugs
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