Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sami and her toy fur wrap

Finally my turn to blog, Baylee here! I couldn't wait to post this picture of Sami with her furry toy on her, doesn't she look so silly? I thought so. Look at hers eyes as the picture was taken looking like a green zombie monster! Hee hee!

Let me tell you Allie has been at the barn every day to ride her horse and I tell you we get know attention and no time to blog. It is so unfair! My hooman bother isn't feeling well, he might have a kidney stone so he has got to stay home from school for a few days but he seems to be better now. Mom has been so busy with so called work but she is just hogging the computer, right Sami? Well I am glad to get this time to blog and hopefully will get to tomorrow.

Miss you guys! xoxox Baylee


Lorenza said...

Hi, Baylee!
I am sure Sami is enjoying a lot her toy!
My mom had a kidney stone once and she says it is very painful! I hope your brother gets rid of it soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Musketeers said...

hope your brother get well soon ! Oh Sami & BAylee , we sure miss to read all your adventures (:
& of cause we miss you a lot too !

Amber-Mae said...

Sami does look silly but cute with her furry toy. I am sorry to hear about your hooman brudder. I heard that stones are very bad & it can hurt. We hope something can be done very soon to clear his bladder out. Let us know if he;s better okay?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Molly the Airedale said...

We're heard that kidney stones hurt LOTS! We hope your brother feels better soon!
Have fun playing with your fur wrap toy, Sami!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Baylee!
Sorry to hear your brother isn´t feeling well. Hope he gets well soon!
Sami sure loved your new toy!

Thor xx

Dexter said...

Sami looks so goofy! I know my Baylee would never look like that.

My Momma says she had a kidney stone and it was AWFUL! Felt like somebody stuck a knife in her (but she says eventually it passed whatever that means).

Taking care of a horse is hard work, I'm afraid. Too bad the horse can't live at your house, but they do take up a lot of space.


Life With Dogs said...

Look at Nigel's glowing eye pic - flash twins!